*BSD News Article 64807

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From: jlemon@netcom.com (Jonathan Lemon)
Subject: Re: dropping if_vx.c into 2.1R?
Message-ID: <jlemonDp712y.3M0@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
References: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960330184627.16680A-100000@gallup.cia-g.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 17:11:22 GMT
Lines: 16
Sender: jlemon@netcom22.netcom.com

In article <Pine.LNX.3.91.960330184627.16680A-100000@gallup.cia-g.com>,
Stephen Fisher  <lithium@cia-g.com> wrote:
>Yes you can drop it into the 2.1-RELEASE kernel.
>Drop by http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~fgray/if_vx.html and follow the 
>instructions and which files to get.
>Just wondering.. do you think it's worth keeping the 590 in a medium load 
>server?  I'm thinking about swaping mine out before I put this machine 
>online because of the little problems people have had with it.

I dunno - the 590 is what the purchasing people gave me.  If I have problems
with it, I'll just give it back and get another one.  BTW, someone told me that
the 509 (ISA version) has been discontinued -- is this true?