*BSD News Article 64445

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From: mcgraw@cais.cais.com (Michael Curry)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Okay, I give up.
Date: 27 Mar 1996 18:54:19 GMT
Organization: Capital Area Internet Service info@cais.com 703-448-4470
Lines: 8
Message-ID: <4jc2sr$1da@news2.cais.com>
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How DO you add a second disk to a FreeBSD system?  Sysinstall, sure and 
begorra, will not do it -- unless there are hidden options somewhere.

I have a spare Conner 420MB that I could put to good use. It disklabels, 
but refuses to newfs on grounds of "not a character special device", and
`1' partition is unavailable.

Now what?