*BSD News Article 64342

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From: unger@raindrop.seaslug.org (Thomas Unger)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Tape drive for backup.
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 21:35:29 GMT
Organization: Wet Weather Consulting
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <Doy3z5.K2o.0.raindrop.seaslug.org@raindrop.seaslug.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: cs105-9.u.washington.edu

When I bought my Intel box to run freeBSD I was a little confused
about tape drive support, so I put off buying a tape drive.  Now the
system is up, I'm using it, but it's not backed up.  Each day I feel
more and more insecure but I'm not any closer to knowing what tape
drive to buy, and still a little fuzzy on what is supported (all SCSI?
no floppy?)

So I'm would sure appreciate some _recommendations_.  Manufacturer and
model, and cost and a place to buy it if possible.  This is for use on
a home system with a moderate amount of data (1G disk now, not more
than 2G in the medium future).  800 Mb capacity is about right.  Low
cost more important than speed.  And, of course, reliability most is


Tom Unger