*BSD News Article 6426

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Xref: sserve comp.unix.bsd:6474 comp.os.linux:12457
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From: root@fns.gold.sub.org (Peter Bechtold)
Subject: Which Tape to use with 386BSD and/or Linux ?
Message-ID: <1992Oct12.195958.1967@fns.gold.sub.org>
Organization: Peter's News Server, Munich, Germany
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1992 19:59:58 GMT
Lines: 21

Hello everyone !

I'm planning to install 386BSD and/or Linux on my 386 system.

All I need is a tape drive for that.

Since I have 2 IDE drives, I would like to by either a
QIC-02 drive or a 1542 SCSI controller plus SCSI tape drive.

What would you recommend ?

I need a tape drive with 150 meg's capacity,
250 or 525 wouldn't hurt though :-)



#  Peter  Bechtold  #  e-Mail peter@fns.gold.sub.org  # 
#     Adalbertstr.74, D-8000 Muenchen 40, Germany     #
# Telephone +49 89 271 8116 # Telefax +49 89 271 3774 #