*BSD News Article 64119

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From: jafo@tummy.com (Sean Reifschneider)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: BSDI SCSI interface programming?
Date: 23 Mar 96 01:43:32 GMT
Organization: tummy.com, ltd.
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <slrn4l6lq4.qoc.jafo@sylvia.tummy.com>
Reply-To: jafo@tummy.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: ariel.tummy.com
Keywords: bsdi scsi programming
X-Newsreader: slrn (

Greetings.  Does anyone have any pointers on sending SCSI commands to a
device under BSDI?  FreeBSD has a libscsi.a which is pretty slick -- it
allows you to do printf()-like varargs formatting of scsi command blocks.
Any pointers to a WWW page or document that would discuss sending SCSI
command blocks to a SCSI device?

"We just wanted to give the band a little more thrust than most other bands."
        - Donald Fagen's reply to why they chose the band name 'Steely Dan'
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo@tummy.com>
URL: <http://www.tummy.com/xvscan>  HP-UX/Linux/FreeBSD X11 scanning software.