*BSD News Article 64100

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From: terry@spcvxb.spc.edu (Terry Kennedy, Operations Mgr.)
Subject: Re: Bind-4.9.2 & unistd.h -> "parse error before '__dead2'
X-Nntp-Posting-Host: spcvxa.spc.edu
References: <4i4o2p$cpl@saluki-news.wham.siu.edu>
Sender: news@spcuna.spc.edu (Network News)
X-Nntp-Posting-User: TERRY
Organization: St. Peter's College, US
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 10:18:52 GMT
Message-ID: <1996Mar13.051852.1@spcvxb.spc.edu>
Lines: 13

In article <4i4o2p$cpl@saluki-news.wham.siu.edu>, Jim Dutton <jimd@dutton2.it.siu.edu> writes:
> In trying to compile BIND v4.9.2 with FreeBSD v2.0.5, I get the following
> error:

  I don't know if this fixes your compile problem, but you *really* want
to be using 4.9.3+Patch1 (or Patch2 if it's out by the time you read this).

  FTP it from www.isc.org (yes, I know that looks funny, but that's how
Paul set his DNS up).

	Terry Kennedy		  Operations Manager, Academic Computing
	terry@spcvxa.spc.edu	  St. Peter's College, Jersey City, NJ USA
        +1 201 915 9381 (voice)   +1 201 435-3662 (FAX)