*BSD News Article 64008

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From: henderso@netcom.com (Mark C. Henderson)
Subject: Re: Dead Sparc 2
Message-ID: <hendersoDoHuoJ.9o9@netcom.com>
Organization: Netcom
References: <4ia1rs$1j1@sol.sun.csd.unb.ca> <DoC1x4.A7x@mail.auburn.edu> <3149FFFD.41C67EA6@ASG.unb.ca> <314E178D.41C6@acci.com.au>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 02:53:07 GMT
Lines: 20
Sender: henderso@netcom8.netcom.com
Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.questions:79106 comp.unix.bsd:16777 comp.unix.internals:9950 comp.sys.sun.apps:12844 alt.unix.wizards:3412 alt.sys.sun:10128

In article <314E178D.41C6@acci.com.au>,
Mark Sitkowski  <marks@acci.COM.AU> wrote:
>Dear Sun experts, 
>I need your help on this one, it's really weird:
>My machine died yesterday. On switch-on, the IP address and the hostid
>showed up as FF.FF.FF.FF.FF and FFFFFFFF, and instead of saying
>the thing went testing its audio chip ('Listen for beep...').
>When it was happy, it went into an endless loop testing memory.

The internal bettery in your NVRAM chip is dead. See the Sun NVRAM/hostid FAQ
Mark Henderson -- markh@wimsey.bc.ca, henderso@netcom.com (personal accounts)
ViaCrypt PGP Key Fingerprint: 21 F6 AF 2B 6A 8A 0B E1  A1 2A 2A 06 4A D5 92 46
http://www.squirrel.com/squirrel - change-sun-hostid, unstrip for Solaris, 
 computer security, TECO, FGMP, Sun NVRAM/hostid FAQ, Wimsey crypto archive