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From: Mark Sitkowski <marks@acci.COM.AU>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.questions,comp.unix.bsd,comp.unix.internals,comp.sys.sun.apps,alt.unix.wizards,can.sun-stroke,alt.sys.sun
Subject: Re: Dead Sparc 2
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 13:10:21 +1100
Organization: A.C.C.I
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Dear Sun experts, 
I need your help on this one, it's really weird:

My machine died yesterday. On switch-on, the IP address and the hostid
showed up as FF.FF.FF.FF.FF and FFFFFFFF, and instead of saying
the thing went testing its audio chip ('Listen for beep...').
When it was happy, it went into an endless loop testing memory.

In diagnostic mode, 'boot sd(0,0)vmunix' got the reply 'SCSI device
failed to respond', while probe-scsi correctly found all SCSI devices.

The network loopback test fails with 'IDPROM data corrupt' (or similar).

Memory dumps dump, but memory fills say 'stack underflow'.

Three days ago the internal lithium battery died, but surely that's not

If anyone out there knows the answer, please reply by email as soon as
possible, to save my sanity. I can't figure this one out.

 Mark Sitkowski                                               笑比哭好!
 Australian Computing and Communications Institute
 723 Swanston Street
 Carlton Victoria 3053
 Phone: (613-9) 282-2530    E-mail: marks@acci.com.au
 Fax:   (613-9) 282-2534    WWW:

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 Home fax:   (613-9) 720-1487