*BSD News Article 63605

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From: rrwood@io.org (Roy Wood)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Power Mac to FBSD box???
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 05:43:55 -0500
Organization: Silicon Angst Software
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <rrwood-1203960543550001@bpci.net3.io.org>
References: <4i2meu$33h@nntp.sierra.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: bpci.net3.io.org

In article <4i2meu$33h@nntp.sierra.net>, at6500ft@sierra.net wrote:

> I have a freeBSD server box. Using samba I can connect my win95 client
> box. I'd like to also (using rj-45 cables) connect my Power Mac 6100
> as a 
> client to my BSD box. Hardware is not the problem, network protocols
> is. Does anyone know of some software I can use on my Mac to see
> something on the BSD box or maybe a FBSD port that will emulate the
> appletalk protocol??

Using MacTCP over Ethernet you should be able to talk to the FreeBSD box. 
As well, I believe CAP has been ported to FreeBSD, so you can do
AppleTalk, too.
