*BSD News Article 63601

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From: Stephen Fisher <lithium@cia-g.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: AMD 5x86 recommendations?
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 19:41:42 -0700
Organization: New Mexico Internet Access
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960313193334.32655B-100000@gallup.cia-g.com>
References: <rrwood-1103961728540001@bpci.net3.io.org>
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In-Reply-To: <rrwood-1103961728540001@bpci.net3.io.org> 

I have this.

AMD 586/486 133mhz/P75 (quad clocked to 133)

From what I can tell it is very slow.  I just did a kernel compile on it
(default drivers - test run) with an Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller and 16MB
of ram) and it took 2 hours and 31 minutes.  Sheesh, reminds me of my 
days with Linux compiling a kernel in 8 hours (On a 386) :>

Doing the same (with IDE drives though..) on a 486DX4/100 with 16meg of 
ram took me about 30 minutes.

I've given up on it.. it's hinted to being quite slow from the first time 
I started installing freebsd on it last week.

It takes *forever* just to format a man page even... 

Time to go grab an ASUS MB and true Pentium:]

...my 2 cents.. if I were you I wouldn't buy it.. 

On Mon, 11 Mar 1996, Roy Wood wrote:

> I can pick up an AMD 5x86 CPU + motherboard or Intel P75 + motherboard for
> similar prices (the latter is obviously a little more pricey).
> Judging by the specs at AMD's web site, the performance of the 5x86 is
> similar to the P75, if not slightly better (it's AMD's own site though, so
> a little skepticism is advisable).
> What I'm wondering is whether anyone has used or is using an AMD 5x86
> system with FreeBSD, and if so, what are you impressions?