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From: Roland Weigelt <rweigelt@phop5.physik.uni-bonn.de>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Which debugger/GDB-frontend for NetBSD?
Date: 29 Feb 1996 12:35:07 GMT
Organization: University of Bonn, Germany
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I'm still looking for a debugger (running under X) or a X frontend
for the GDB debugger running under NetBSD 1.1 .

I tried DDD, but I'm not able to compile the current version (1.4b) without
a strange error message (about some missing ";" somewhere) and the only
precompiled binary I could find was version 1.2 which crashes a lot on
my machine.

The version 1.08 of XXGDB I tried didn't compile without some changes in
the source code; but I'm not sure wether I did the right things, because
sometimes XXGDB crashes when showing the contents of a variable.

Which programs are you programmers out there using?
