*BSD News Article 63230

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From: doctor@nl2k.edmonton.AB.ca (The Doctor)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: Motherboard Suggestions?
Date: 27 Feb 1996 22:21:57 -0700
Organization: NetLine 2000
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <4h0opl$4v9@doctor.nl2k.edmonton.ab.ca>
References: <Pine.OSF.3.91.960227025857.29171A-100000@ouray.cudenver.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: doctor.nl2k.edmonton.ab.ca

In article <Pine.OSF.3.91.960227025857.29171A-100000@ouray.cudenver.edu>,
Shawn Knittle  <sdknittl@ouray.cudenver.edu> wrote:
>Can anyone suggest a motherboard (Intel Asus, Intel Atlantis, Intel 
>Endeavor, Intel Zappa, Cyrix 586mb) that will be best for bsdi? I'm 
>looking for fast motherborad without overkill (does bsdi use all of the 
>features of an Atlantis or a Pentium pro on a Asus?)
>Thanks in advance.

My recommendation:  Get a Tyan Tempest 2 motherboard!

Check with BSDi, ASA computer and Paul Vixie's Homepage (http://www.vix.com)

Otherwise, look for a moterboard with a Neptune chipset.

>If anyone needs a PERL programmer, let me know

PERL?  You can obtain PERL5.001.tar.gz from ftp://ftp.nl2k.edmonton.ab.ca/pub/Unix.

>Shawn Knittle						home:  (303)364-5063
>3009 Ursula Street	    Wasting I-SPace		fax:   upon request
>Aurora, CO  80011					work:  (303) varies
>		   mailto:sdknittl@ouray.cudenver.edu
>		   http://ouray.cudenver.edu/~sdknittl
>		    http://www.cudenver.edu/~sdknittl

God, Queen and Country                Member - Liberal International
NEVER Satan, President and Republic   Board Member - Edmonton Heritage Nazarene
Hating Bachelor's Living
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