*BSD News Article 63064

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From: dougal@vespucci.iquest.com (Dougal Campbell)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Invisible ptys
Date: 26 Feb 1996 00:10:37 GMT
Organization: interQuest Online Services -- Huntsville, AL
Lines: 14
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4gqtpt$rdb@polo.iquest.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: vespucci.iquest.com
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When I have enough ptys in use on my system, it rolls up past ttypf to
ttypg, ttyph, etc.  The users on these ptys don't show up in a 'who',
though they are correctly logged in the wtmp.

On a simliar note, when enough of the lower numbered ptys are in use,
the 'screen' program will report that there are no more available ptys.

Should 'ttypg' actually be 'ttyq0' (there are no qtys in my /dev dir)? 

Dougal Campbell      | "Quick to judge, quick to anger. |      Rush
System Administrator |  Slow to understand.             |  "Witch Hunt"
interQuest / Hsv, AL |  Ignorance and predjudice        | Moving Pictures
dougal@iquest.com    |  And fear go hand in hand."      |      1981