*BSD News Article 63052

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From: Troy Barlow <tbarlow@skypoint.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: One more install question
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 23:13:30 -0600
Organization: SkyPoint Communications, Inc.
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Watching the debug output during install i notice a 
warning that "calculated sectors (xxxxx) dont match
disklabel (xxxx).

  During setup I created the partitions, and used the
"Auto" command to create disklabels.

  Any idea how to fix this. And, could this be part
of the reason why it also keeps failing to load root.flp
with gzip errors?  I dont think the files are corrupt
becuase i ftp'd them from a few sites (including the
mirror sites). I think its having a hard time reading
from the DOS partition i am installing from.

 If it matters, I have a AHA2940 (rom 1.2) PCI bus
SCSI controller.  The drive is a 2 gigs.
