*BSD News Article 6265

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From: adam@micromuse.co.uk (Adam Kerrison)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: XView 3.0 for XFree86
Message-ID: <BvuK9y.Ky8@micromuse.co.uk>
Date: 9 Oct 92 09:13:09 GMT
Sender: news@micromuse.co.uk
Reply-To: adam@micromuse.co.uk
Organization: MicroMuse Ltd, London, Uk
Lines: 23
Nntp-Posting-Host: zaphod


I have recently got thr source for XView 3.0 onto my BSD system and I am
about to start compiling it ... but a thought occured to me - has this been
done before ?? Is there a ready patched distribution out there (as I dont 
think it will compile first time :-) ???

Is they a ready compiled version available - as I also think that my little
386 chip is going to have its work cut out trying to compile it.

I anyone knows, can you let me know ??? If there isn't anyone think of any
potential problems (shared libs and paths are two possiblilities)

Ad (thanks) vance

Adam Kerrison                  | Phone : +44 71 352 7774
Technical Support              | Fax   : +44 71 351 7834
MicroMuse Ltd                  | Personal E-mail: adam@micromuse.co.uk 
London SW10 0RN                | Support E-mail : support@micromuse.co.uk 