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From: John Nistler <nistler@millcomm.com>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Cann't remove lost files
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 21:14:57 -0600
Organization: Millennium Communications, Inc.
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I mounted my DOS filesystem(repartitioned with fips) and the system
crashed.  When it rebooted the ufs was damaged.  fsck(with some
help from me) put some of the lost stuff in a lost+found directory.

But now I can not delete the files.

Example:total 0
cr-x-w--wx  1 3320293135  1746957310   91, -1729167236 Jun 20  1911 #05776*
brw--wS---  1 3013475813  2083403554  102, 1640825058 Nov  5  1907 #05786
c-----Sr-t  1 163806225   693667019    14, -242745145 Feb 21  1938 #05792*
b-wsrwSr-T  1 1927454628  545368801    32, 1631649855 Aug 20 22:13 #05798*

Is there anything I can do to get rid of these files?

John Nistler