*BSD News Article 62542

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From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <jkh@FreeBSD.org>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Server hardware considerations..
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 06:57:32 -0800
Organization: Walnut Creek CDROM
Lines: 29
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To: Michael Dillon <michael@memra.com>

Michael Dillon wrote:
> Use Buslogic SCSI cards as they are more compatible.

Uh, I really can't recommend that course of action.

For one thing, I've had a *lot* of trouble with various Bt946c / Triton
motherboard combinations, nor have I ever gotten multiple Bt946c
controllers to work in one box.  The same cannot be said of the Adaptec
2940s - they mostly Just Work, regardless of the motherboard or the
number of physical controllers you stick in the box.

My last Bt946c is sitting in a static bag on the shelf.  Retired.

> > Tape backup: SCSI.. I have no idea what is best, I am using a cheap
> > and slow floppy-tape drives right now and haven't been very pleased.
> DAT drives. Be aware that there is a worldwide shortage of DDS-2 120
> metre tapes right now but there are lots of DDS 90 meter tapes so if

For backup?  That's a little masochistic, I think.  I don't trust DAT
media for long-term storage (or even at all - it's so thin that it tends
to get swallowed in some tape transports, and having such a thing happen
to a backup would be a disaster).

I'm a big fan of 8mm (Exabyte) drives for backup purposes.  Higher
density and far more robust, IMHO.
- Jordan Hubbard
  President, FreeBSD Project