*BSD News Article 62078

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From: coleman@redwood.skiles.gatech.edu (Richard Coleman)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: NIS+ support? *smirk*
Date: 19 Feb 1996 00:38:17 GMT
Organization: School of Mathematics, Ga. Tech
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <slrn4ifhnf.651.coleman@redwood.skiles.gatech.edu>
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Reply-To: coleman@math.gatech.edu
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X-Newsreader: slrn (0.8.5)

| : > I work at an ISP; a bunch of the guys there are ex-Sun freaks.  
| : > So I managed to get FreeBSD into the office, but then they said, 
| : > "So where's NIS+?".
| Nobody has NIS+ except Solaris at this point. To me, it's just one more
| reason to avoid Solaris.

Solaris supports both NIS and NIS+.  Solaris 2.5 comes with
native versions of all the NIS utilities.  Why is that a reason
to avoid Solaris?

Richard Coleman