*BSD News Article 6173

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Xref: sserve comp.os.linux:11988 comp.unix.bsd:6221
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux,comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Suggestions for the free Unix projects
Path: sserve!manuel.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!sgiblab!spool.mu.edu!yale.edu!think.com!unixland!rmkhome!rmk
From: rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly)
Organization: The Man With Ten Cats
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992 21:40:57 GMT
Reply-To: rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly)
Message-ID: <9210061641.08@rmkhome.UUCP>
References: <1akqadINN76c@almaak.usc.edu> <1992Oct3.220517.1325@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <1992Oct3.221703.1496@fcom.cc.utah.edu> <id.GAUT.XH6@ferranti.com>
Lines: 50

In article <id.GAUT.XH6@ferranti.com> peter@ferranti.com (peter da silva) writes:
>Let's look at the minimum for a releasable version on 386BSD:
>In article <1992Oct3.221703.1496@fcom.cc.utah.edu> terry@icarus.weber.edu writes:
>> o	The absolute minimum 150 page ring-bound manual and 3 disks costs
>> 	~$20 including shrink-wrap labor.  This is quantity 1000.
>Leave the printed manual out. Sell it separately as a $50 book set in the
>> o	Packing and shipping costs are a minimum of $16, assuming UPS
>> 	ground.
>Make this a line item, to encourage quantity purchases.
>> o	A "media charge" for tape distribution of $18 is not unreasonable,
>> 	assuming QIC tape and bulk purchase, given production time.  Add
>> 	to this additional costs for amortization of alternate tape
>> 	systems if they are going to be used.
>For QIC I'd say that was low.
>> o	A "media charge" of $30 is not unreasonable if CD-ROM's are used,
>Well, there are a number of people selling CD-ROM sets of free software
>for $25-$40, so this is in line.
>> o	A "media charge" of $80 for a *full* high-density floppy distribution
>> 	(unless you own disk duplication equipment) using generic high
>> 	density disks would be getting off light.
>> How does $1000 sound?  Like BSDI?
>Yep. For a source distribution. How about for a binary distribution? I know,
>it's not popular, but it's inevitable.
>> Say, I sound like "Bruce" on "Talk Net", don't I?  8-) 8-).
>Usenet is like Talknet where you can call Bruce up when he says something
>dumb (which does happen occasionally).

At one time, it was rumored that BSDI was going to provide a binary only
release of BSD386 for $295.  Have they ever said anything about this?


Rick Kelly	rmk@rmkhome.UUCP	unixland!rmkhome!rmk	rmk@frog.UUCP