*BSD News Article 60987

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From: nailers@teleport.com (Blake Swensen)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Mailq reports nameserver timeout but DNS not running.
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 96 12:00:31 GMT
Organization: Teleport Internet Services Corp.
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4eo15k$2rq@maureen.teleport.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ip-pdx02-53.teleport.com

I recently added a FreeBSD 2.1 system to my local network (just two machines). 
However, all mail, either to or from this machine, justs sits in the mailq and 
reports nameserver timeout error.  

I don't have DNS running, and I need to get mail to look at the etc/hosts file 
instead of trying to reslove the address through some name server.  My 
resolv.conf is clean (no entries), and sysconfig is not turning on DNS.

I have looked at the FreeBSD handbook, and they have posted the section about 
mail yet.  I have also looked throught the FAQ and the other newsgroups for an 
answer, but now help there either.  

I have two systems on the network: china_cat and phil(the system in question). 
 Mail sent from user@china_cat to user@phil is received by phil but remains in 
the queue awaiting the nameserver.  Mail from user@phil to user@china_cat has 
the same result.  Mail sent from root@phil to user@phil is delivered properly, 
however mail from user@phil to root@phil is being held in the queue.

Any help on this one?
