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From: bogawa@digital.netvoyage.net (Bryan Ogawa at Work)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: FTP only
Date: 30 Jan 1996 10:40:26 -0800
Organization: Netvoyage Internet Access Provider
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <bogawa.823027153@digital>
References: <4e1veu$mad@elaine27.Stanford.EDU>
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extant@leland.Stanford.EDU (Hussein Kanji) writes:

>How can I set up a user so that they only have FTP access (no shell). 
>Using a shell of /nonexistant is no good.
>Hussein Kanji
>Symbolic Systems/History major			    designer
>Stanford University				    system administrator
>						    Verso designs
>extant@leland.stanford.edu			    admin@goingup.com

I believe that you need to have a shell that's in /etc/shells for ftpd to 
let them in, so create a cheezy program to tell the user they can't log 
in regularly and then put this shell (e.g. /usr/local/bin/cantlogin) in 
/etc/shells , and that should work, I think.

Bryan K. Ogawa
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