*BSD News Article 6065

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Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!sgiblab!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!ohstpy!miavx1!miamiu!ai4cphyw
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: [386bsd] What does this message mean?
Message-ID: <92279.101133AI4CPHYW@MIAMIU.BITNET>
Date: Monday, 5 Oct 1992 10:11:33 EDT
Organization: Miami University - Academic Computer Service
Lines: 31

I have noticed that every time I reboot my machine (recompiled kernel with
most of Terry Lambert's patchkit applied) I get a message in the boot manifest
along the lines of "wd0a overlaps partition (b)" or something like that.
Also, once in a while I get the following messages in my /var/log/messages
file as well:
Sep 30 13:53:49 continuity /386bsd: wd0a: overlaps open partition (b)
Sep 30 13:53:50 continuity /386bsd:
Sep 30 13:53:50 continuity /386bsd: warning: no swap space present (yet)
[note the blank error message]
Now, I know what the "no swap space" message means, I just included it
because it shows in the exact same place each time I get the overlap
message.  My HD has been completely given over to 386bsd, a look at the
disklabel (disklabel -r wd0a) doesn't seem to indicate that any partitions
share the same space on the disk (except for the one partition that contains
all the others).  So, I'm now kinda stymied. :)
If you have seen this message, and know what it means, please let me know.
(Mostly I'm wondering if I can ignore it, or if it is a precurser to 386bsd
lunching itself.)
                      -Alec D. Isaacson
                       AI4CPHYW @ miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
                       isaacson @ rogue.acs.muohio.edu (NeXt Mail)
                       Miami University, Oxford, OH
Only a barbarian would eat chive cream cheese and blackberry jam on the
same bagel.                          -Spenser