*BSD News Article 60626

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From: klaus@gaston.m.ISAR.de (Klaus Lichtenwalder)
Subject: Re: Newbie wants to install a PCMCIA modem
Message-ID: <DLu9D0.5FJ@gaston.m.ISAR.de>
Organization: Private Hosts via I.S.A.R Netzwerke
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 1996 12:00:35 GMT
References: <4e60fu$4mo@news1.goodnet.com>
Lines: 18

bpjones@goodnet.com (Giovanni Calienta) writes:

>I just did a minimal install(just the bin files)  of FreeBSD rel 2.1 into 
>an AT&T Globalyst laptop computer and I want FreeBSD to recognize my U.S. 
>Logic PCMCIA 28.8 modem so I can install the rest of FreeBSD via modem.
I just now succesfully could activate my PCMCIA MultiTech modem.
(I'm a newbie, too:-). Guess you'll need to grab the kernel source too
before continuing. Then you might consider getting pccard-test-960123
(or whatever version it will be when you get your version) from
ftp://bash.cc.keio.ac.jp/pub/os/FreeBSD/alpha-test, i you dare to
use an alpha version and know how to compile a new kernel.

     Klaus Lichtenwalder, Dipl. Inform., Fax +49-89-98292755
Lichtenwalder@ACM.org, klaus@gaston.m.ISAR.de, http://www.wp.com/Klaus
             PGP Key: send e-mail to key@Four11.com