*BSD News Article 60464

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From: jlemon@netcom.com (Jonathan Lemon)
Subject: Re: One more try... CD-R writing from FreeBSD
Message-ID: <jlemonDLovJz.J6K@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
References: <neIKwIf@quack.kfu.com> <DLnEJJ.367@robkaos.ruhr.de>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 14:14:23 GMT
Lines: 44
Sender: jlemon@netcom22.netcom.com

In article <DLnEJJ.367@robkaos.ruhr.de>,
Robert Schien <robsch@robkaos.ruhr.de> wrote:
>nsayer@quack.kfu.com (Nick Sayer) writes:
>>I don't know enough about SCSI to figure out how to use either
>>scsi(8) or scsi(3) in order to burn a CD-R worm disk. Has this
>>been done successfully under FreeBSD, and if not, the following
>>questions come to mind:
>>1. What would the general procedure be for taking either the
>>output of mkisofs or the output of dd if=/dev/rcd0c (where cd0
>>is some other CD target) and having the HP 4020i burn it? I
>>take it there is more to it than just using dd and making sure to
>>keep up with the record rate of the writer.
>>2. Does this procedure generalize across different vendors of CD-R
>>3. Should I configure the HP (if I buy one) as a cd target, worm
>>target (I suspect this is correct), disk or unknown ?
>Can you configure the HP as a worm target? As far as I know
>the HP identifies itself as a CD-ROM (which is nonsense, IMO).
>It would be nice if you could change the SCSI type.
>>Thanks in advance. If I successfully write a CD, I'll post how I did
>>it. Of course, step 1 is buying the writer. :-)
>I'm in the same boat. I just don't know which CD-R to buy.

I'm in the process of setting up a machine just for the purpose of archiving
and retrieving old reports, so I would really, _REALLY_ like to see a CDR
driver under FreeBSD.

The machine in question will have an Adaptec 2940 controller, a Yamaha CDR-100
recorder, and the CDROM image will be written from a Barracuda disk.  (This
should be fast enough to keep up with the recording rate, right?)  I would be
willing to help test a driver after we get the machine (in the next month or

If there is no driver, I'll have to fall back to DOS/Win to write out the
image.  (bleeetch)