*BSD News Article 60462

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From: cnordin@hq.vni.net (Craig Nordin)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: Argh! BSDI/News Problem... help kindly requested
Date: 31 Jan 1996 06:19:27 -0500
Organization: Virtual Networks
Lines: 65
Message-ID: <cnordin.823086506@news.vni.net>
References: <30f54d00.11463334@news> <4dh75m$cv1@INET_PRIME.comshare.com> <4encvu$na1@news.ais.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hq.vni.net
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #6 (NOV)

I think the P120 with 64 megs is light on memory!!! 

innd will put the entire history hash table into memory and that
monster is at least 15 megs!!!  Then, all the nnrpd monsters are
hogging 1 meg a piece so you have lots of memory usage!!

While I agree that you need many small drives as opposed to a
few big ones, I think that more memory will drastically improve
things.   256Meg is more than engough, but the person who had
that had 9 gig drives (silly silly to have 9 gig drives!).

RAID can both help and hurt so you want to be careful, but RAID
memory should not substitute for main memory.

A good and stable and low-tech configuration that *can* handle
a full news feed is:

            P120, 128Meg, 5 2 gig <9msec drives, 1 Buslogic 946C

You can split the news groups across 3 of the 5 drives and put
the root on one of the others and put overview/history/other
news files on the last.

This configuration would work *just*fine* except you'd have to
figure out how many concurrent users you need to handle and you
could pretty easily do that by adding more memory.


               * get 9 gig drives
               * get slow access time drives
               * think 4 gig drives are a big deal
               * short yourself on memory
               * get non-parity memory for a server like this
               * use Triton chipset which only caches first 64meg

Just my "stenkin" opinion.



cnordin@vni.net                Fly VNI:  Send E-Mail to  info@vni.net