*BSD News Article 60418

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From: gbernard@dbc.com (Greg Bernard)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: aliases/colorstr in bash
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 22:08:42 GMT
Organization: CCnet Communications (510-988-7140 guest)
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <4em58e$49u@ccnet2.ccnet.com>

Quick question here.  I installed bash and colorls on my system, and
configured /etc/passwd so that bash is my default shell.  I then added
an alias in my .profile file

alias ls='/usr/local/sbin/colorls -F -G'

so that ls will user colorls.  However, when I log in, this is not the
case, the listings are all monocolor.  If I then type the above in at
the prompt, it works.  How can I configure .profile to always alias
the command?

BTW, if I just type alias at the prompt, it does not show me the ls
alias.  This is FreeBSD 2.0.5.




Greg Bernard                             Data Broadcasting Corp.
gbernard@dbc.com                         1900 S. Norfolk St.   
All opionions, if I had any, are my own. San Mateo, CA  94404