*BSD News Article 60285

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From: ritz@ritz.mordor.com (Chris Mauritz)
Subject: Re: PPP and SLIP: ISP Quality?
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
Lines: 26
Organization: Mordor International
Message-ID: <DLvoKx.H9M@ritz.mordor.com>
References: <4eevr4$7no@news.voicenet.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 06:26:57 GMT

5150 (5150) wrote:
: people seem to be reporting lots of problems with PPP in FreeBSD.
: my question is whether or not the current implemenations are of
: suitable quality for running an ISP (or remote dialup access to a
: LAN).
: are the Linux versions any better?
: i like FreeBSD a lot, but this is one area that seems to get a lot of
: bad press.
: any comments? thanks!


Anyone doing this for real uses a terminal server, not a unix
box.  By the time you buy the proper hardware to get an Intel
box to be able to handle 16-32 connections, you have spent
more time and money than you would if you had just sprung for
a Portmaster.  For about $2700 you can get a portmaster with
30 serial ports, a parallel port, and ethernet.  Plug the
puppy into your ethernet, configure it, and away you go.

Christopher Mauritz         | For info on internet access:
ritz@mordor.com             | finger/mail info@ritz.mordor.com OR
Mordor International        | http://www.mordor.com/
201/212/718 internet access | Modem: (201)433-7343,(212)843-3451