*BSD News Article 6023

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Corruption in BIN01.56?
Message-ID: <1992Oct4.082800.7011@pimacc.pima.edu>
From: jlackey@pimacc.pima.edu
Date: 4 Oct 92 08:28:00 -0700
References: <adam.717861382@marsh> <1992Oct1.155515.12254@fcom.cc.utah.edu>
Lines: 57

>>In article <1992Oct1.155515.12254@fcom.cc.utah.edu>, terry@cs.weber.edu (A Wizard of Earth C) writes:
> In article <adam.717861382@marsh> adam@cs.curtin.edu.au (Adam Sawyer) writes:
>>Has anyone else had problems when trying to extract the BIN01.(1-56) 
>>Corruption in BIN01.56
> This problem is popping up too much.  It seems that the MANIFEST file has
> been corrupted.  This is the file which "install" users to check for
> corruption.  Since you are the fourth person to report a "corrupted"
> bin01.56, I suspect that the site you got the "MANIFEST" file from has a
> corrupted copy.  Please notify them so that they can take corrective action.
> In any case, there is at least one corrupt "MANIFEST" file out there, in m
> opinion, and archive administrators should check for it.  Since a lot of
> us *know* the agate distribution works,  I would suggest checking against
> that one.
> 					Terry Lambert

Actually Terry, even the distribution at agate is funny.  At the time, I just
attributed my problems to the fact that I had to do this all on a micro-vax 

When I first ftp'd the binary distribution (from agate!!!) I had
the exact same problems.  (But I had a problem with more then one file...)
I even attempted the same solutions, ie I got the files again, I made sure
I typed 'tenex' (the vax version of binary I guess, can't stand this beast), 
I even tryed 'binary' just to see if that made a difference, and I made sure
kermit was 'set file type binary.'  But I didn't give up there, when I looked
at all the binary files, I noticed that one of the files I was having trouble
with was one byte larger then the rest, and the other file was one byte
smaller.  My fix?  Nothing really, I just _forced_ the size to be what it
"should" be, and it worked just fine.

(As an aside, I have an ide drive so bad sectors shouldn't be a problem for

It seemed to me that the most obvious source of my problem was the vax I have
to use, perhaps the VAXen multinet ftp software is buggy.  But now, I am not

As far as I was concerned, getting the files from agate did not help anything.
My suggestion to all who are having problems with this is just to force the
file size to be correct.  That should work.

or sometimes