*BSD News Article 60073

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From: rmk@rmkhome.com (Rick Kelly)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
Subject: Re: NetBSD working in my Sun 3/50
Date: 25 Jan 1996 20:42:48 GMT
Organization: The Internet Access Company
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <4e8q08$a44@sundog.tiac.net>
References: <qyivihla5i.fsf@scotch.eua.ericsson.se> <DL85BJ.3EJ@on.bell.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: rmkhome.rmkhome.com
X-Newsreader: knews 0.9.4

In article <DLApAM.1KI@yedi.iaf.nl>,
	wilko@yedi.iaf.nl (Wilko Bulte) writes:
>cfoley@qc.bell.ca (Claude Foley) writes:

>>NetBSD 1.1 is now running on my Sun 3/50, but I found that it was a lot
>>slower than Sun os. Does somebody can tell me if the performance will
>>get better in the future.

>How many memory does the 3/50 have? NetBSD likes to have more memory
>for good performance.

The Sun 3/50 has a maximum of 4 megs of memory on the motherboard.

At one time, Clearpoint sold a daughter board that would allow an
additional 4 megs of memory.  

Without X11, NetBSD ought to run pretty well in 4 megs, but X11R6 would
bring it to it's knees.

Rick Kelly	rmk@rmkhome.com	    rmk@tencats.rmkhome.com