*BSD News Article 60005

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From: mitch4@netcom.com (mitch goldstrom)
Subject: Elm Work Finally!
Message-ID: <mitch4DLpKyx.J7q@netcom.com>
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1]
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 23:23:21 GMT
Lines: 38
Sender: mitch4@netcom21.netcom.com

I finally got elm to work OK.  The way I did it was kinda funky though.

I tried lndir-ing the /usr/ports directpry like the handbook
said and that didn't work because I didn't have XFree86 or something
like that.  I looked for it, but it wasn't really clear how to get it
or how to load it.

So here is what I did.

mkdir -p /usr/ports/mail
cd /cdrom/ports
cp Makefile /usr/ports
cd mail
cp Makefile /usr/ports/mail
cp -r elm /usr/ports/mail/elm

cd /cdrom/ports/distfiles
cp elm* /usr/ports/distfiles

cd /usr/ports/mail/elm
make;make install

The make command will unpack the archive and then run configure in
such a manner that you only have to accept the defaults for FreeBSD.

Read the questions carefully though. I had to run it twice because
I accepted the default of yes to the ispell wuestion when I didn't
have it on my machine.

Now I have elm and I am happy.

- Mitch
P.S. Thanks for all that helped.
Mitch Goldstrom			             Visual f/x Inc.
mitch@visfx.com                         Work: (310) 475-4959
Narf!                                    Fax: (310) 475-2878
		How cold is it where you are??