*BSD News Article 59858

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From: kargl@troutmask.apl.washington.edu
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: newfs on floppy problem
Date: 17 Jan 1996 17:00:13 GMT
Organization: Applied Phyics Lab
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <4dj9ut$goj@nntp5.u.washington.edu>
References: <4di314$lcl@news.fsu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: troutmask.apl.washington.edu

     Alexander Stuy wrote in article <4di314$lcl@news.fsu.edu> :
>Can somebody clue me in on where I am going wrong?  I am only getting about 
>half of the floppy's capacity as well as the following warnings.
>merlin# fdformat -f 1440 fd0
>Format 1440K floppy `/dev/rfd0.1440'? (y/n): y
>merlin# disklabel -r -w fd0.1440 fd1440
>merlin# newfs fd0.1440

#newfs -t 0 -u 0 fd0

This will give you about 1.1MB of usable space.  I believe the remaining 
space holds the inode info.

Steven G. Kargl     | Phone: 206-685-4677 |
Applied Physics Lab | Fax:   206-543-6785 |
Univ. of Washington |---------------------|
1013 NE 40th St     | FreeBSD 2.x-STABLE  |
Seattle, WA 98105   |---------------------|