*BSD News Article 59782

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From: ip@mcc.ac.uk (Ian Pallfreeman)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Writing my own CD-ROM?
Date: 22 Jan 1996 16:42:56 GMT
Organization: Clover Computer Consultancy & Programming (CCCP)
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <4e0eqg$4ld@yama.mcc.ac.uk>
NNTP-Posting-Host: albatross.mcc.ac.uk

I'm happily using FreeBSD 2.1 on several machines here at the University, but
it seems like I've been waiting forever for the UK distributors to get the 2.1
CD-ROMs over here so I can buy one for my home machines, now running L*n*x. 

It just occurred to me that, since we've got CD-ROM writers here, I could
write my own to take home. 

So: what directory structure should I use for this, to make it readable by
the install program?


   Network Unit, Computer Centre, University of Manchester, England, Europe?
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