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From: wleong@sfsu.edu (2-King)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Looking for compiled moxfm.
Date: 15 Jan 1996 09:09:46 GMT
Organization: San Francisco State University
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4dd5kq$o9h@news.csus.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wleong@pluto.sfsu.edu

   Just ran into the moxfm home page the other day and I must say I am
quite impressed by the look of it. Anyway, when I tried to download and
compile the program, I realized that I do not have Motif on my system.

If someone has a pre-compiled version of the moxfm, would you please 
notify me as I would love to have that installed on my system.

Thanx a bunch !