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From: roberto@keltia.freenix.fr (Ollivier Robert)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: initex with latex
Date: 18 Jan 1996 21:12:30 GMT
Organization: Usenet Canal Historique
Lines: 28
Message-ID: <4dmd3u$r6j@keltia.freenix.fr>
References: <4dl5n7$4tg@dali.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>
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In article <4dl5n7$4tg@dali.cs.uni-magdeburg.de>,
Roland Jesse <jesse@csmd.cs.UNI-Magdeburg.DE> wrote:
> Has anyone ever build a new LaTeX format file with initex out of the 
> latex2e package ?

Take  the teTeX distribution from  any  CTAN site (ftp.dante.de is probably
the nearest for you).  It builds without any problem  on FreeBSD and you'll
get one of the best TeX/LaTeX dist. I've ever seen. 

There has been an update for the latest LaTeX2e release (Dec. '95). 


Installation of the Dec. update of LaTeX2e was:
- tar xvf
- sh install.sh

and the program rebuilds everything it needs automatically. 

There is no binary distribution  for FreeBSD yet  but someone is working on
it and on a port for /usr/ports/print. Take the source and compile.

Great thanks to Thomas Esser ! 

[ cc'ed to Roland ]
Ollivier ROBERT  -=- FreeBSD: The daemon is FREE! -=-  roberto@freebsd.org
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