*BSD News Article 59400

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From: dnguyen <dnguyen@rcp6.elan.af.mil>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: ADAPTEC PCI 2940  CONTROLLER --- HELP!!!!
Date: 10 Jan 1996 16:30:09 GMT
Organization: Air Force Flight Test Center
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Colin Jensen <cj@accom.com> wrote:
>dnguyen wrote:
>> I borrowed a friend's 2940 that has the "old Version" BIOS and
>> FreeBSD have no problem detecting all the SCSI devices.
>> My next question is: Will the PCI 2940 with the newest BIOS work with
>> FreeBSD 2.1? *Don't want to go through another process of downloading 
>Yes, 2.1 handles the newer 2940 correctly.
>It's also pretty easy to look at the 2.1 source and figure out what
>change is required, and add the change back into 2.0.5 (you could
>boot and recompile the kernel using your friend's 2940).  But that
>would be work.

Thanks for all replying. My system is finally working properly with the
latest FreeBSD 2.1.