*BSD News Article 59348

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From: deborah@gallifrey.microunity.com (Deborah Gronke Bennett)
Subject: Re: MP - a postscript formatting utility
In-Reply-To: Robin Birch's message of Thu, 04 Jan 1996 16:38:00 GMT
Message-ID: <oqg2dnsdor.fsf@gallifrey.microunity.com>
Sender: deborah@gallifrey.microunity.com
Organization: MicroUnity Systems Engineering, Inc.
X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.1
References: <624706811wnr@falstaf.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 01:49:40 GMT
Lines: 52

In article <624706811wnr@falstaf.demon.co.uk> Robin Birch <robin@falstaf.demon.co.uk> writes:

   Dear All,
   Suns used to have, they may still do for all I know, a utility called
   mp which postscript pretty printed mail and listings.  I believe that 
   the source was available from ftp.  Can someone confirm this and tell
   me where?.

Here's the AUTHORS section of the mp(1L) manpage from SunOS 4.1.4:

     Original version by Steve Holden.

     Converted to C, modified and maintained  by  Rich  Burridge,
     Sun Microsystems, Australia.

     Original modified to handle net news articles and MH mail by
     Bruno Pillard, Chorus Systemes, France,

     Handling of mail digests added by Dave  Glowacki  of  Public
     Works Computer Services, St Paul, MN.

     Manual page revised by Rick Rodgers, UCSF  School  of  Phar-
     macy, San Francicso.

     Support for Personal Organiser printing style added by Doug-
     las Buchanan, Sun Microsystems Europe.

     Substantial  modifications  to  header  parsing  by   Jeremy
     Webber, Computer Science Department, University of Adelaide,

     Support  for  printing  multiple  files  and  subject   line
     filename  print  for  ordinary  ASCII  files  added  by  Sam
     Manoharan, Edinburgh University.

     Support for landscape mode written by Michael Tuciarone.

     Revision of the POSTSCRIPT structuring and the way that  the
     prologue files are handled was included by Johan Vromans

     Rich Burridge,             Domain: richb@Aus.Sun.COM
     PHONE: +61 2 413 2666   Path: {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb

Sun Release 4.1  Last change: 14 September 1990
Deborah Gronke Bennett 	(WD5HJH) 	kernel and device drivers engineer
deborah@microunity.com			(408)-734-8100
MicroUnity Systems Eng., 255 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1015 USA