*BSD News Article 59235

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From: dwatson@stout.entertain.com (Darryl Watson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: POP3 server for BSDi
Date: 10 Jan 1996 13:39:45 -0700
Organization: ABWAM, Inc., full service ISP, voice: 1+ 303 730-6050
Lines: 10
Message-ID: <4d186h$32q@stout.entertain.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: stout.entertain.com

Hi netters!

I am running BSDi 2.0 with patches.

Is there a way to offer up POP3 email boxes without having to create separate
accounts on my system?  With winNT, you run an SMTP server program, and
configure it to receive mail without having to create login entries.

Any pointers appreciated!