*BSD News Article 59145

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From: giorgio.scherl@ubs.com
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: check the system-utilisation
Date: 16 Jan 1996 20:12:03 GMT
Lines: 20
Message-ID: <4dh0qj$foo@svdns1.ubinet.ubs.com>
References: <4cbmha$n0u@web.ddp.state.me.us>
Reply-To: giorgio.scherl@ubs.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: svplatin.flur.zuerich.ubs.ch
Summary: socks utilisation

We are using cstc-socksd on a BSDI system. It's handling a havy load because we are using it for out-bounding http-connections. 25 - 30% of all connections will be aborted because of ? reasons.

My gess, sockd is using a lot of system-resources and is some time not able to handle the backlog-queue. 

I'm looking now for a tool as "sar" to check the system-resources. Can anybody provide me with some informations


that's it

Giorgio Scherl                             UBS Network Services
   Tel: +41/1/236 75 22                    CH-8021 Zuerich
   Fax: +41/1/236 69 30                    Switzerland
E-mail: Giorgio.Scherl@ubs.com 
   GCS: d++ -p+ c++ l+ u+ e++ m++(---) s++ h- f--@ g++ t+ r+ y(@)