*BSD News Article 59003

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From: rhof@netinc.ca (Robert Hof)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc
Subject: Re: Argh! BSDI/News Problem... help kindly requested
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 04:43:53 GMT
Organization: Network Enterprise Technology Inc
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <30f9c19c.16411453@news>
References: <30f54d00.11463334@news> <4d5q4n$63c@hops.entertain.com>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/16.141

On 12 Jan 1996 14:10:31 GMT, dwatson@abwam.com (Darryl Watson) wrote:

>In article <30f54d00.11463334@news>, rhof@netinc.ca (Robert Hof) says:
>>I think I might be in need of a little expert advice here:
>>I'm running a BSDI2.0.1 system on a dx2-66 w/ 32MB ram.


>>The question:  WHY?! My connection speed is not the problem. The load
>>average on the news machine rarely goes above 0.50. The only thing I
>>can think of is that the SCSI controller might be too slow. It's an
>>Adaptec 1542CF. 
>Have you got all the news going to one hard drive?  If so, it may be that
>your drive can't handle the load.  Can you split news (say, from
>alt.binaries down) onto a second SCSI drive?

We have our news spaced as follows: 

alt.* and rec.* are on a 4.3 Barracuda
All the rest are on a 1.7 Micropolis.

We're beginning to think it's the controller... We're gonna try a
Buslogic PCI controller. But we've also noticed that we get an
"interrupts not working, using polling" message at boot, in reference
to the adaptec card. We always ignored it in the past (hey...
everything seemed to be working!), but upon reflection, this sounds a
little wonky.

PS for any other replies to our plight, please cc: to my e-mail...
news has a tendency to expire before it gets to us (hence the

Thanking all again in advance...

Robert Hof
