*BSD News Article 58874

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From: bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells)
Subject: Re: Problems with pidentd under 2.1.0-RELEASE
Organization: None, Mt. Laurel, NJ
Message-ID: <DKpC8E.Gw@twwells.com>
References: <Pine.HPP.3.91.960105100813.5772A-100000@ocean.fit.qut.edu.au>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 09:41:02 GMT
Lines: 15

In article <Pine.HPP.3.91.960105100813.5772A-100000@ocean.fit.qut.edu.au>,
Scott Mewett  <scott@fit.qut.edu.au> wrote:
: I am having problems trying to get pidentd-2.6.1 running under FreeBSD
: release 2.1.0.

Or earlier versions, it doesn't matter, I think.....

: ident  stream  tcp     wait    root    /usr/local/etc/in.identd in.identd

If you run it `wait', you need some options. -w, I think. However,
it still won't work; the accept call fails for reasons I haven't
figured out.

In the above, change the wait to nowait and it should work; it
does for me.