*BSD News Article 58819

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From: Sander Temme <sctemme@xs4all.nl>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Computer picks up my PHONE
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 20:01:24 +0100
Organization: the Wolfman's Brother
Lines: 25
Message-ID: <30F6B004.2B99@xs4all.nl>
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Antonio Navarro Navarro wrote:
> If your modem is hayes-compatible, you should send the following command to it in order to
> disable the auto-answer mode :
>         ATS0=0
> I don't know exactly wich file contains the start-up configuration of your modem, but if you
> locate it you can find a line containing ATS0=1 and replace it by the ATS0='number of rings'

Write your current modem configuration into the modem's non-volatile 
with a &W0, like


if you want your computer to never ever pick up that phone.


Sander the SyberSurfer                               sctemme@xs4all.nl
- "It's 106 k's to Wollongong. We've got a full tank of petrol, half a 
  pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunnies."
- "She'll be right, mate."
                           -- The Australian Blues Brothers