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From: "Adrian T. Filipi-Martin" <atf3r@stretch.cs.Virginia.edu>
Subject: Re: (fwd) C++ Docs?
In-Reply-To: <199601101643.KAA04336@complete.org>
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Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 02:21:41 GMT
Lines: 26

On Wed, 10 Jan 1996, John Goerzen wrote:

> What I'm looking for is language syntax, library reference, etc.

	I don't think such a thing exists yet.  C++ is still too up in 
the air.  I can't recomment "The C++ Programming Language" and "The 
Design and Evolution of C++", both by Srtoustrup, enough.  The second is 
more of interest to those who want to know the why's and wherefor's of 
C++, but it does discuss some of the more recent additions to the language.
	As for on-line documentation, here's a pointer to a copy of the 
ANSI draft C++ document form last summer.  I originally got it from 
cygnus.com, so thye may have a newer draft.

	Note, the .zip file s accesible from my home page.  The url for 
the WP is "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~atf3r/wp-draft/"


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