*BSD News Article 58012

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From: chris@kd3bj.ampr.org (C. T. Nadovich)
Subject: Re: Using ZIP drive across UNIX hardware platforms?
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Sender: usenet@kd3bj.ampr.org (News Posting Phantom User)
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Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 02:46:50 GMT
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Xref: euryale.cc.adfa.oz.au comp.unix.admin:36526 comp.sys.sun.hardware:30980 comp.unix.solaris:55536 comp.sys.sun.admin:59556 comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc:1812

naughton@htc.com (Thomas Naughton) writes:

>	I have tried to use `dd`, and `tar`, but because it's not a
>tape drive, it doesn't seem to work right.  

I've been puzzling over this issue for the last few weeks. I have a
SyQuest, but the problem is analagous. I want to use MTOOLS or maybe 
"mount -F pcfs" in an attempt to read and write the higly portable MS-DOS
format, but I have no luck. Essentially, I can't get any raw access to work
right. The raw tar and dd utilities do not work for me either. I think in my 
case (Solaris 2.4 on SPARC), it's vold that's getting in the way --- 
wanting to see a VTOC on the disk. 

All the advice I've gottem so far has been RTFM. I have. But configuring 
vold is not a clear proceedure. All I really want is for it to leave that 
damn disk alone.

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