*BSD News Article 57275

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From: hm@hcswork.hcs.de (Hellmuth Michaelis)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Where the hell is the 2.1 CD???
Date: 9 Dec 95 10:37:17 GMT
Organization: HCS Hanseatischer Computerservice GmbH
Lines: 11
Message-ID: <hm.818505437@hcswork.hcs.de>
References: <49q9ip$mip@interport.net> <dhawkDJ1qs9.MGF@netcom.com> <49uav4$m3f@agate.berkeley.edu> <4a4ip6$2cq@yangtze.cs.umd.edu> <4a6l0d$8c5@agate.berkeley.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: hcswork.hcs.de
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #5

In <4a6l0d$8c5@agate.berkeley.edu> jkh@violet.berkeley.edu (Jordan K. Hubbard) writes:

>You guys get processed first.  Unfortunately, we're STILL waiting for
>the artwork!

Send it out without the artwork - there is enough of it on the CD ;-)

Hellmuth Michaelis    HCS Hanseatischer Computerservice GmbH    Hamburg, Europe
                       "There are lies, damn lies, and open systems." (unknown)