*BSD News Article 57111

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From: Kevin Martinez <lps@rahul.net>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: It had to happen: "Linux for Dummies"
Date: 18 Dec 1995 05:38:52 GMT
Organization: a2i network
Lines: 19
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4b2upc$jb@hustle.rahul.net>
References: <4atkoe$s8r@news.voicenet.com> <4avqnu$295@parody.tecc.co.uk> <DJqtwo.G8v@ibbs.av.org>
NNTP-Posting-Host: jive.rahul.net
NNTP-Posting-User: lps

js@ibbs.av.org (Jeff Stillinger) writes:

>This proves that 30,000 dumies can at least read.  At least there is 
>something to read.
>I bow in reverance to the guru's.

Perhaps *now* is the time to cash in this craze:

*	Motif for Mongoloids

*	Relational Databases for the Retarded

Why do Dummies even have computers?
 Kevin Martinez                 |           Fry's Electronics: Where
 lps@rahul.net                  |         Incompetence is the Standard!