*BSD News Article 57100

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From: "Paul H. Gray" <phgray@tcjcnelrc.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.misc
Subject: Internet Host BSDI vs other BSD vs Solaris
Date: 8 Dec 1995 15:31:16 GMT
Organization: Tarrant County Jr. College NE Learning Resources Center
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I am faced with replacing a Linux - based Internet host supporting a small in-house LAN w
ith a new larger box to support a full campus and ultimately multiple campuses.  
I am also mandated to drop Linux and move to commercially supported software.  Two names that 
continue to come up are BSDI and Solaris.

I would appreciate any input from users of either of these systems or other flavors of BSDD
particularly those who are doing something similar t o what I have described .

Please respond to me directly.  I am under some time pressure to make this decision.
