*BSD News Article 56764

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From: truesdel@gizmo.nas.nasa.gov (Dave Truesdell)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: CDROM Changers
Date: 13 Dec 1995 15:43:43 -0800
Organization: A InterNetNews test installation
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <4anoff$qr4@gizmo.nas.nasa.gov>
References: <BILLW.95Dec8181411@puli.cisco.com> <4adn77$gsg@mark.ucdavis.edu> <DJECMK.KqA@sysadm.physics.uiowa.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gizmo.nas.nasa.gov
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #61 (NOV)

ljg@space.physics.uiowa.edu (Larry Granroth) writes:

>David E. O'Brien (obrien@cs.ucdavis.edu) wrote:
>: William (billw@puli.cisco.com) wrote:
>: : Is there freeBSD support for the multi-disk (scsi) CDROM changers that are
>: : starting to appear on the "obsolete" market at attractive prices?  (ie
>: : doublespeed 7-disk cdrom changer for $129 from Disk Drive Depot.)

>: Not only is there support, there is GREAT support for the Pioneer DRM-604x
>: 6-disk CDROM changer.  The just hook it up and generic kernel handles it
>: fine.  I just had to MAKEDEV cd{1-5} and create 6 mount points.  Thats it.

>The Pioneer drive appears as multiple SCSI LUN's and accessing the appropriate
>logical unit causes the disks to change while some of the changers (e.g.
>those made by Nakamichi, NRC MBR-7) apparently require a special SCSI command
>to change disks.  Is there any support for the latter?



The Pioneer drive works the way it does, because the kernel "knows" that it
has multiple LUN's.  If you gen a kernel with "options NEW_SCSICONF", or add an
entry in sys/scsi/scsiconf.c for the MBR-7 (like the Pioneer has), the system
will recognise the additional LUN's, too.  I've used both ways to configure
Dave Truesdell     Wombat Wrestler/Software Packrat/NAS Newsmaster