*BSD News Article 5453

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Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!spool.mu.edu!wupost!uunet!ogicse!news.u.washington.edu!serval!hlu
From: hlu@eecs.wsu.edu (H.J. Lu)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Re: Catch What They're Saying About Us...
Message-ID: <1992Sep23.043825.13248@serval.net.wsu.edu>
Date: 23 Sep 92 04:38:25 GMT
Article-I.D.: serval.1992Sep23.043825.13248
References: <19oe23INNqh0@agate.berkeley.edu>
Sender: news@serval.net.wsu.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: School of EECS, Washington State University
Lines: 34

In article <19oe23INNqh0@agate.berkeley.edu>, wjolitz@soda.berkeley.edu (William F. Jolitz) writes:
|> Check out the "Re: Linux or 386BSD: neither or both ??" thread in
|> comp.os.linux. It's pretty amazing what's being said about 386BSD and
|> the people who've worked so hard on it.
|> Since I'm not one who likes to let disinformation be the order of the
|> day, I've challanged the Linux people to put their money where their
|> mouths are and justify negative claims regarding 386BSD (this works
|> both ways) -- the goal being to better and improve BOTH systems. I
|> realize that in head-to-head competitions we'll win some, lose some,
|> and draw some, but this is not really important.
|> My hope is that competition and open discussion/debate, handled in a
|> professional manner, might promote a lot of new ideas, especially
|> regarding optimization of the system. We could all benefit from a bit
|> of critical thinking.
|> I invite comments, assistance, and new ideas to help make this a
|> reality.  If we do well, we might even set new records that the big
|> guys haven't. The possibilities are endless. :-)
|> Lynne Jolitz.

I really want to try 386bsd on my 386sx-16 with 4MB RAM. I was wondering if
I could install 386bsd kernel source and compiler on a 14MB partition on my
HD. That is all I can afford for now. I did the same for Linux and was very
impressed by it. I want to see what 386bsd looks like on my PC. Does anyone
have experiences with this configuration?

Thanks a lot.
