*BSD News Article 5207

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From: anything@max.u.washington.edu
Subject: Cannot install bootable 386bsd on ESDI HD
Message-ID: <1992Sep17.163352.1@max.u.washington.edu>
Lines: 25
Sender: news@u.washington.edu (USENET News System)
Organization: ÿÿÿÿ
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1992 23:33:52 GMT

When I try to install 386BSD on my 105 megabyte ESDI drive (connected to an Ultrastor u12f controller)
the install goes okay only if I use a partition instead of a whole drive. however when I reboot off the
hard drive I get :

File not found - didn't find 386bsd, will try 386bsd.alt
File not found - didn't find 386bsd.alt, will try 386bsd.old
File not found - didn't find 386bsd.old, will try boot

and then it stops with the A: drive spinning too.

I reboot from the floppy and mount my hard drive partition for a look and everything looks fine.
so i copy 386bsd off the floppy to 386bsd.old and boot on the hard drive and reboot. same result!

when I try to install to the whole hard drive it seems incapable of making subdirectories, 
whenever called upon to make a subdirectory by the install script it returns an (input/output error)
however the files in the root directory are there and it will partially boot until it can't find init.

any ideas?

Don Levinson

p.s. my pc: Gateway 2000 486/33 DX 64k ext cache. et3000 vga DEC etherworks lc/tp 1.2M floppy