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From: james@jraynard.demon.co.uk (James Raynard)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Cmdtool problem
Date: 12 Sep 1995 23:23:12 -0000
Organization: A Free BSD box
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <4354p0$75@jraynard.demon.co.uk>
References: <4330nr$3rt@morgoth.sfu.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: localhost.jraynard.demon.co.uk
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In article <4330nr$3rt@morgoth.sfu.ca>,
Paraskevas Polydorou <polydoro@sfu.ca> wrote:
>There seems to be a problem with my installation of XVIEW and CMDTOOL.  Everey time I try to run it I get 
>System warning: No such file or directory, extras menu file /usr/lib/./usr/X11R6/lib/.text_extras_menu (Textsw package)

Yes, I had this problem with olvwm too. The easiest work-around is to copy
.text_extras_menu and friends from /usr/lib to your home directory. (You can
also put menu files there, to customise things a bit).

>I then get the cmdtool window but when I try to type anything in it it closes.

Re-link with -lcompat.

"If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me!"